Friday 12 September 2014

Thriller Narrative Necessities

Within our genre there are certain narrative necessities for a trailer, which will be important to include in our own creation.

The change of circumstance/moment of conflict
- The normal running order is disrupted by conflict or change of circumstance, affecting the narrative greatly
- This is key to make clear in the trailer as if it is left uncertain the trailer very quickly becomes confusing and loses the audience's engagement
- A change in tone is usually part of the signalling of this moment

The presentation of the hero/antihero
- Due to the diversity of main characters, there are a number of ways in which this can be done
- The hero/antihero is always depicted as such from the outset, and is focused on as the main figure of the trailer and narrative
- In films that have more prominent antagonists than protagonists (eg Gangster Squad), the antagonist is often presented in this manner rather than the hero/antihero

The montage
- This is a convention of trailers as a whole, but is especially important and notable in the Thriller and Crime Thriller genre
- The montage will often build up to the climax of the titlecard, commonly matched with a crescendo or boom in the soundtrack


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